Legal and non-legal translation: 15 similarities/differences

Legal and non-legal translation

Translation can be quite varied, and what you get out of it depends greatly on your goals. Now, let’s explore how legal and non-legal translations differ and what they have in common.

What is legal translation?

Legal translation involves translating documents that control legal relationships. It also includes translating legal papers needed to implement different international relationships. 

It also involves translating legal texts to share information and experiences among law experts from other countries. This kind of translation is thought to be very difficult. 

Why? Because it’s not just about being good at language. Translators also need to know a lot about law, different laws, and international rules. That’s why the translated text must be legally correct. This ensures a precise and professional outcome.

Read About : legal translation services in abu dhabi

9 key Similarities between legal and non-legal translation

Legal and non-legal translations might seem different because they deal with various topics and use specific terms, but they have much in common, including:

1- Language proficiency

In legal and non-legal translation, you must be good at the original language and the language you’re translating into. That means understanding the little details in both languages, like grammar, word order, and common phrases.

2- Accuracy

Getting things right is super important in translation, whether legal or not. Translators must ensure what they write down says precisely the same thing as the original document without changing anything or getting it wrong.

3- Cultural understanding

To be a good translator, you’ve got to know a lot about the cultures of both languages. That way, you can ensure you’re not missing cultural references or phrases that might not make sense in another language. It’s all about getting the meaning across accurately.

4- Research skills

Translators need to be good at research. They might have to check legal dictionaries and particular word databases or ask experts to ensure the accuracy of their translations.

5- Attention to detail

Both legal and non legal translators must be very careful. They need to look closely at every word, phrase, and punctuation mark to preserve the original document’s meaning in the translated text.

6- Confidentiality

Translators often handle private information. They must follow strict rules to keep it confidential, protecting the privacy and rights of the people involved.

7- Professionalism

Being professional is essential in both legal and non-legal translation. Translators must follow the rules, finish their work on time, and talk nicely with clients to ensure they get good translations.

8- Quality control

It is super important to ensure the translation is accurate and makes sense in legal and non-legal translations. This means checking and fixing mistakes before giving the translation to the client.

9- Client expectations

Translators must understand what their clients want in legal and non-legal translation. They must give translations that are right, trustworthy, and fit clients’ needs and likes.

6 Differences between legal and non-legal translation

1- Subject matter

Legal translation revolves around legal documents like contracts, court papers, laws, rules, and letters about law. In contrast, non-legal translation encompasses various topics such as literature, technical guides, advertisements, websites, and personal documents.

2- Terminology

Legal translation involves specialized legal terms and concepts that may lack direct translations in other languages. This necessitates a thorough comprehension of both legal systems and the capacity to convey the intended meaning accurately in the target language. 

Conversely, non-legal translation may require specialized terminology depending on the subject matter but typically does not demand the same legal expertise.

3- High accuracy

Legal translation demands high precision and accuracy due to the potential legal ramifications of mistranslations. Even a minor error or ambiguity in a legal document could result in misunderstandings, disputes, or legal liabilities. While non-legal translation may afford more flexibility in style and expression, accuracy remains crucial depending on the context.

4- Cultural context

Cultural differences and legal systems must be considered when translating legal documents. Laws and procedures can vary widely between countries, which means translators must adjust the text while keeping it legally valid and effective. Non-legal translation also involves culture but is usually less crucial for accuracy and validity.

5- Legal Consequences

Mistakes in legal translation can lead to big problems. They might cause contract disputes, agreements to be cancelled, or even legal action. That’s why legal translators need to be extremely careful and thorough. Accuracy and integrity are essential. Non-legal translation is necessary, too, but the legal risks aren’t usually as high.

6- Certification and notarization

Legal translations often need to be certified or notarised to be legally accepted. A certified translator or public notary must verify the translation, adding extra professionalism and scrutiny. Non-legal translation generally doesn’t need formal notarization unless the client or regulators specifically ask for it.

The best choice for legal and non-legal translations in Abu Dhabi

Do you need top-notch translations for legal and non-legal procedures in Abu Dhabi? At Alsun, we know how important it is to translate all your documents correctly. That’s why our experienced translators are experts in both legal and non-legal translations. They ensure every word, whether a contract, a patent, or a regular letter, retains its meaning and importance.

Why choose ATS?

  • Expertise

Our translators are more than just language experts. They know much about different subjects, especially legal stuff and the specialised terms used in various industries. So when they work on your documents, they know what they’re doing.

  • Accuracy

We ensure there are no mistakes. We have strict checks to ensure every translation is perfect so your message doesn’t get mixed up when translated into another language.

  • Timeliness

We know how important it is to get things done on time. With Alsun, you can be sure that your translations will be finished quickly but still done well.

  • Client-centric approach

Your happiness matters most to us. We adjust our services to fit your needs exactly, ensuring we go above and beyond your expectations.

  • Confidentiality

We keep your documents private and safe. You can trust us to handle your sensitive information carefully and professionally.

Read Also : Translation services Abu Dhabi

Final thoughts

Translating legal documents isn’t like translating other content. Legal translators must know a lot, like having special training and maybe even a law degree. Experience, accuracy, and research skills are essential for legal and non-legal translation. Translators must be good at the original language and the language they translate into and know a bunch about the cultures of both places.


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Alsun Legal Translation Abu Dhabi provides you with an accurate, professional and approved translation within your budget in UAE. With our dedicated translation team who has an in-depth knowledge in legal translation, you will get translation that is linguistically and functionally flawless.

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